'jpg.gif', 'jpeg' => 'jpg.gif', 'bmp' => 'jpg.gif', 'jpg' => 'jpg.gif', 'gif' => 'gif.gif', 'zip' => 'archive.png', 'rar' => 'archive.png', 'exe' => 'exe.gif', 'setup' => 'setup.gif', 'txt' => 'text.png', 'htm' => 'notepad++.png', 'html' => 'notepad++.png', 'php' => 'notepad++.png', 'fla' => 'fla.gif', 'swf' => 'swf.gif', 'flv' => 'swf.gif', 'xls' => 'xls.gif', 'doc' => 'doc.gif', 'sig' => 'sig.gif', 'fh10' => 'fh10.gif', 'pdf' => 'pdf.gif', 'psd' => 'psd.gif', 'rm' => 'real.gif', 'mp3' => 'winamp.png', 'wav' => 'winamp.png', 'mpg' => 'video.gif', 'mpeg' => 'video.gif', 'mov' => 'video2.gif', 'avi' => 'video.gif', 'eps' => 'eps.gif', 'gz' => 'archive.png', 'asc' => 'sig.gif', ); //////////////////// //end settings, if you don't know PHP and you want the script to remain working don't edit beyond this line. //////////////////// ///// // Path to top directory ///// $rootpath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; ///// //get base dir ///// $info2 = pathinfo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $split = split('/', $info2['dirname']); $basedir = $split[count($split)-1]; $info = $info2['dirname'] == '\\' ? "" : $info2['dirname']; $basedir = $basedir == '\\' ? '' : $basedir; ///// // URL ///// $url = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$info.'/'; ///// //Check if image thumbnailer is being called thumbnailImage(); ///// //////////////////// // big list o' functions //////////////////// function count_dir_elements($dir_path, $type = 'file') { $file_count = 0; $dir_count = 0; if ($dh = opendir($dir_path)) { $i = 0; while ($el = readdir($dh)) { $path = $dir_path.'/'.$el; if (is_dir($path) && $el != '.' && $el != '..' && !ignoredFiles($el)) { $dir_count++; } elseif (is_file($path) && !ignoredFiles($el)) { $file_count++; } $i++; } closedir($dh); } else { return false; } return $type == 'file' ? $file_count : $dir_count; } function ignoredFiles($file){ global $ignored; $count = 0; for($i=0;$i 0){ return TRUE;} } //////// // Check if file is an image //////// function isimage($file){ global $imgExt; $count = 0; for($i=0;$i 0){ return TRUE;} } //////// //////// // Thumb Creation for unsuported image types. just displays images with the name of the file inside it. Doesn't bother caching them due to the small amount of processing power it takes. //////// function imageCenterString( $imgw, $imgh, $image_text = '', $text_size=5 ) { $im = imagecreate( $imgw, $imgh ); // white background and blue text $bg = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $textcolor = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0); $t_h = $t_w = $t_x = $t_y = 0; $base_w =9; $base_h = 16; $m = 0.88; switch ( $text_size ) { case 1: $t_w = $base_w*pow(($m*.98),4); $t_h = $base_h*pow(($m*.98),4); break; case 2: $t_w = $base_w*pow($m,3); $t_h = $base_h*pow($m,3); break; case 3: $t_w = $base_w*pow($m,2); $t_h = $base_h*pow($m,2); break; case 4: $t_w = $base_w*$m; $t_h = $base_h*$m; break; case 5: $t_w = $base_w; $t_h = $base_h; break; default: if ( $text_size >= 5 ) // set to 5 { $t_w = $base_w; $t_h = $base_h; } if ( $text_size < 5 ) // set to 1 { $t_w = $base_w*pow(($m*.98),4); $t_h = $base_h*pow(($m*.98),4); } break; } $text_array = array(); $max = floor($imgw/$t_w); for( $i=0; strlen($image_text) > 0; $i += $max) { array_push($text_array, substr($image_text,0,$max)); if ( strlen($image_text) >= $max ) { $image_text = substr($image_text,$max); } else { $image_text = ''; } } $t_y = ($imgh/2) - ($t_h*count($text_array)/2); foreach ( $text_array as $text ) { $t_x = ($imgw/2)-($t_w*strlen($text)/2); imagestring($im, $text_size, $t_x, $t_y, $text, $textcolor); $t_y += $t_h; } // output the image header("Content-type: image/gpeg"); imagejpeg($im); } ///////// // Image Thumbnailer! //////// function thumbnailImage(){ global $THUMBNAIL_FOLDER, $THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, $LARGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, $THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT, $LARGE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT, $rootpath, $quality, $imageFontSize, $basedir, $info; if ( !is_dir($rootpath.'/'.$info.'/'.$THUMBNAIL_FOLDER.'/') ){ mkdir($rootpath.'/'.$info.'/'.$THUMBNAIL_FOLDER.'/', 0777);} $image = $_GET['img']; $sizeType = $_GET['size']; if (!$image) return; if ($sizeType == 'large'){ $THUMBNAIL_WIDTH = $LARGE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH; $THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT = $LARGE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT; } $imagecache = $THUMBNAIL_FOLDER . "/" . md5($sizeType.$image) . ".jpg"; $im = @imagecreatefromjpeg( $imagecache ); if ( $im ) { header("Content-type: image/jpg"); imagejpeg($im); imagedestroy($im); exit(); } $imgsize = getimagesize ( $image ); // If i forgot to take this out before releasing it then feel free to delete this. $imgsize = basename($image) == "huge.jpg" ? "poop" : $imgsize; switch ($imgsize[2]) { case 1: // GIF $im = imagecreatefromgif( $image ); break; case 2: // JPG $im = imagecreatefromjpeg( $image ); break; case 3: // PNG $im = imagecreatefrompng( $image ); break; default: // UNKNOWM! imageCenterString( $THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, $THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT, basename($image), $imageFontSize ); exit(); } header("Content-type: image/jpg"); $img_thumb = imagecreatetruecolor( $THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, $THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT ); $dsth = ($THUMBNAIL_WIDTH / ImageSX($im)) * ImageSY($im); imagecopyresampled( $img_thumb, $im, 0,($THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT-$dsth)/2, 0,0, $THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, $dsth, ImageSX($im), ImageSY($im) ); imagejpeg( $img_thumb ); // This will fail if you haven't created and chmodded your thumbnails folder @imagejpeg( $img_thumb, $imagecache, $quality ); imagedestroy( $img_thumb ); imagedestroy( $im ); exit(); } //////// // File Organizer //////// function organize($haw){ global $images, $images2, $folders, $folders2, $files, $files2, $dir, $THUMBNAIL_FOLDER, $rootpath, $basedir, $info; $dir = $_GET['dir']; // if $dir is the current directory make make $dir "." so opendir doesn't fail. $dir = $dir == "" ? "." : $dir."/"; if(strpos($dir, "../") === false){ if ($dirReadHandle = @opendir($dir)) { // if $dir is "." make it blank again so it doesn't screw up links in the main directory. if($dir == "."){$dir = "";} // check if the directory trying to be accessed is the directory in which the thumbnails are stored. You would not want to view the thumbnails directory with this script because then you'd thumbnail the thumbnails and then thumbnail the thumbnailed thumbnails and then thumbnail the thumbnailed thumbnails of the already thumbnailed thumbnails, and just make an infinite loops of thumbnailing. if($haw == 'check'){ if($rootpath.'/'.$info.'/'.$dir == $rootpath.'/'.$info.'/'.$THUMBNAIL_FOLDER.'/' ){ die('

Accessing directory of thumbnailed files, not a good idea.

'); } // check if directory has an index and if it does don't list the directory and go to the index. $noIndex = 0; $fileCount = -2; while (false !== ($file = readdir($dirReadHandle))) { $fileCount += 1; if(!strstr($file, "index.") && $file != "." && $file != ".."){ $noIndex += 1; } else{$indexFile = $file;} } if ($noIndex != $fileCount && $dir != ""){ header("location:".$indexFile.""); die;} } // Loop through directory files time! while (false !== ($file = readdir($dirReadHandle))) { // ignore all this stuff if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $rootpath.$dir.'/'.$file.'/' != $rootpath.'/'.$THUMBNAIL_FOLDER.'/' && !ignoredFiles($file)) { // organize folders! if ($haw == 'folders'){ if (is_dir($dir.$file)){ $filesAmount = count_dir_elements($dir.$file); $folderAmount = count_dir_elements($dir.$file, $type = 'folders'); $size = ($folderAmount + $filesAmount); $time = filectime($dir.$file); if($_GET['sortby'] == "time"){ $folders[$time."-".$file] = $file;} elseif($_GET['sortby'] == "size"){ $folders[$size."-".$file] = $file;} else{ $folders[]= $file; } } } // organize files! elseif ($haw == 'files'){ if (!is_dir($dir.$file) && !isimage($file)){ $time = filectime($dir.$file); $size = filesize($dir.$file); if($_GET['sortby'] == "time"){ $files[$time."-".$file] = $file;} elseif($_GET['sortby'] == "size"){ $files[$size."-".$file] = $file;} else{ $files[]= $file; } } } // organize images! elseif ($haw == 'images'){ if(isimage($file)){ $time = filectime($dir.$file); $size = filesize($dir.$file); if($_GET['sortby'] == "time"){ $images[$time."-".$file] = $file;} elseif($_GET['sortby'] == "size"){ $images[$size."-".$file] = $file;} else{ $images[]= $file; } } } } } closedir($dirReadHandle); } else{die('

Cannot open directory! It might not exist or it might not have the correct chmod.

');} } else{die('

Directory travsersal is forbidden

');} } //////// // Directory listing //////// function listdir($haw){ global $images, $images2, $folders, $folders2, $files, $files2, $dir, $rootpath, $THUMBNAIL_FOLDER, $folderImage, $url, $THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, $THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT, $filetypes, $info; // List all images! if($haw == 'images'){ // organize the images first. //organize('images'); if(isset($images)){ // Organize by time/size/name! $dir = substr_replace($dir,"",-1); if(!isset($_GET['sortby']) && $_GET['d'] == "desc"){ rsort($images, SORT_STRING);} elseif($_GET['sortby'] == "time" && $_GET['d'] == "desc"){ ksort($images, SORT_NUMERIC);} elseif($_GET['sortby'] == "time"){ krsort($images, SORT_NUMERIC);} elseif($_GET['sortby'] == "size" && $_GET['d'] == "desc"){; ksort($images, SORT_NUMERIC);} elseif($_GET['sortby'] == "size"){ krsort($images, SORT_NUMERIC);} else{ sort($images, SORT_STRING);} $dir = $dir == "" ? "" : $dir."/"; // loop through the images! $n = 0; foreach ($images as $image){ // if the loop just started make the images div box. if($n==0){echo '
';} // check if if it's an image first... again. if(isimage($image)){ $imgSize = getimagesize($dir.$image); $filesize = filesize($dir.$image)/1024; $sizeSplit = split('\.', $filesize); $hur = substr($sizeSplit[1], 0, 2); $hur = $hur == "" ? ".00" : ".".$hur.""; $filesize = $sizeSplit[0].$hur; $encoded = implode("/", array_map("rawurlencode", explode("/", $dir.$image))); echo "

".$imgSize[0]." x ".$imgSize[1]."
".$filesize." kbs
Link to this
";} // uh oh else{ echo "Something went way wrong!"; } // close the div box if this is the end of the loop. if($n==(count($images)-1)){echo "
";} $n++; } } } // list all files! elseif($haw == 'files'){ // organize them first //organize('files'); // let's make sure we actually have files before we start this perade if(isset($files)){ // Organize by time/size/name! $dir = substr_replace($dir,"",-1); if(!isset($_GET['sortby']) && $_GET['d'] == "desc"){ rsort($files, SORT_STRING);} elseif($_GET['sortby'] == "time" && $_GET['d'] == "desc"){ ksort($files, SORT_NUMERIC);} elseif($_GET['sortby'] == "time"){ $sortlinkstime = $url.'?dir='.$dir.'&sortby=time&d=desc'; krsort($files, SORT_NUMERIC);} elseif($_GET['sortby'] == "size" && $_GET['d'] == "desc"){ ksort($files, SORT_NUMERIC);} elseif($_GET['sortby'] == "size"){ krsort($files, SORT_NUMERIC);} else{ sort($files, SORT_STRING);} $dir = $dir == "" ? "" : $dir."/"; $class = "w"; // loop through the files! $n=0; foreach ($files as $file){ $icon = 'unknown.png'; $ext = strtolower(substr($file, strrpos($file, '.')+1)); if($filetypes[$ext]) { $icon = $filetypes[$ext]; } // if it's the beginning of the loop make the div box. if($n==0){echo '
';} $class = $class == "w" ? "b" : "w"; $size = (filesize($dir.$file)) / 1024; $sizeSplit = split('\.', $size); $hur = substr($sizeSplit[1], 0, 2); $hur = $hur == "" ? ".00" : ".".$hur.""; $size = $sizeSplit[0].$hur; $encoded = implode("/", array_map("rawurlencode", explode("/", $dir.$file))); $date = date("F d Y H:i:s", filectime($dir.$file)); echo " "; // if it's the end close the div box. if($n==(count($files)-1)){echo "
Files Size Date
".$file." ".$size." kbs ".$date."
";} $n++; } } } // list folders! elseif($haw == 'folders'){ if(isset($folders)){ // organize them first //organize('folders'); // Organize by time/size/name! $dir = substr_replace($dir,"",-1); if(!isset($_GET['sortby']) && $_GET['d'] == "desc"){ rsort($folders, SORT_STRING);} elseif($_GET['sortby'] == "time" && $_GET['d'] == "desc"){ ksort($folders, SORT_NUMERIC);} elseif($_GET['sortby'] == "time"){ krsort($folders, SORT_NUMERIC);} elseif($_GET['sortby'] == "size" && $_GET['d'] == "desc"){ ksort($folders, SORT_NUMERIC);} elseif($_GET['sortby'] == "size"){ krsort($folders, SORT_NUMERIC);} else{ sort($folders, SORT_STRING);} $dir = $dir == "" ? "" : $dir."/"; $class = "w"; // loop! $n=0; foreach($folders as $folder){ // if it's the beginning of the loop make the div box. if($n==0){echo '
';} $class = $class == "w" ? "b" : "w"; $filesAmount = count_dir_elements($dir.$folder); $filesAmount .= $filesAmount > 0 ? " Files" : ""; $folderAmount = count_dir_elements($dir.$folder, $type = 'folders'); $folderAmount .= $folderAmount > 0 ? " Folders" : ""; if ($folderAmount > 0 && $filesAmount > 0){ $size = $folderAmount." and ".$filesAmount;} elseif ($folderAmount > 0){ $size = $folderAmount;} elseif ($filesAmount > 0){ $size = $filesAmount;} else { $size = "empty!";} $encoded = implode("/", array_map("rawurlencode", explode("/", $dir.$folder))); $date = date("F d Y H:i:s", filectime($dir.$folder)); echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; // if it's the end of the loop close the div box. if($n == (count($folders)-1)){echo "
Folders Folders & Files Last Modified
"; echo $folder."".$size."".$date."
";} $n++; } } } } ///////////////////// // end of functions ///////////////////// ///// // Echo everything ///// // check if the current dir is the dir of the thumbnails and check if current dir already has an index and if it does display it instead of listing the dir. organize('check'); // organize everything so we can make sure certain things exist before styling their boxes. organize('folders'); organize('files'); organize('images'); // What directory am I in? (named $dir2 so it wouldn't mess with $dir.) $dir2 = $_GET['dir'] == '' ? '' : $_GET['dir'].'/'; // Split the directories into an array! if ($dir2 != '' || $dir2 != '\\'){ $dirlinks = split('/', $dir2); array_pop($dirlinks); } $c = $dirlinks[(count($dirlinks) - 1)]; if(ignoredFiles($c) == true){die('

You are restricted from viewing this page

');} if(!file_exists($rootpath.'/'.$info.'/.htaccess')){ $content = "Options +FollowSymlinks\r\nRewriteEngine on\r\nRewriteRule ^(.+)/$ index.php?dir=$1"; file_put_contents('.htaccess', $content);} // styling! echo ' /'.$basedir.'/'.$dir2.' ';?> '; $dir = substr_replace($dir,"",-1); $sortlinkname = $url.'?dir='.$dir.'&d=desc'; $sortlinkssize = $url.'?dir='.$dir.'&sortby=size'; $sortlinkstime = $url.'?dir='.$dir.'&sortby=time'; if(!isset($_GET['sortby']) && $_GET['d'] == "desc"){ $sortlinkname = $url.$dir;} elseif($_GET['sortby'] == "time" && $_GET['d'] == "desc"){ $sortlinkstime = $url.'?dir='.$dir.'&sortby=time';} elseif($_GET['sortby'] == "time"){ $sortlinkstime = $url.'?dir='.$dir.'&sortby=time&d=desc';} elseif($_GET['sortby'] == "size" && $_GET['d'] == "desc"){ $sortlinkssize = $url.'?dir='.$dir.'&sortby=size';} elseif($_GET['sortby'] == "size"){ $sortlinkssize = $url.'?dir='.$dir.'&sortby=size&d=desc';} $dir = $dir == "" ? "" : $dir."/"; // display the current directory. echo '
'; echo '
/'.$basedir.'/'; if (isset($dirlinks)){ $n=0; foreach($dirlinks as $i){ $num .= $n != 0 ? $dirlinks[($n-1)].'/' : ""; echo ''.$i.'/'; $n++; } } echo "
Sort by:     Name  |  Size  |  Date
"; echo '
'; listdir('folders'); listdir('files'); echo ''; echo ''; listdir('images'); echo '
'; echo '
Copyright © 2007 Saurdo
' ?>